Book your own prayer retreat.

Ready for Breakthrough?

Have you been frustrated by a stagnant Christian life, overwhelmed by circumstances that leave you feeling empty and alone, or just stuck looking for more of something you’re not even sure what? You will find that setting aside a day for the purpose of seeking the Lord, provides the perfect opportunity for the Lord to do a powerful work in your life. Spending an entire day with the Lord may seem intimidating to you, but if you are ready for a breakthrough in life or victory over something, this can be just the thing to at least get that moving! 

What is a “Prayer Retreat”?

People, even non-Christians, often have a longing for intimacy with God.  We have a sense of wanting to know Him, even if it is crowded out by entertaining distractions, struggles of life, or other “noises” that cause us to overlook that desire.  If you still recognize that desire to know God, the question is, “what are you doing about it?”  If you’re like most Christians, you aren’t doing much.  A prayer “retreat” sets aside an extended time to focus on prayer and intimacy with God. You’ll receive helpful teaching and tips for prayer in short, manageable blocks between times to apply those practical principles in prayer on your own.

We select teaching that is practical, simple, and profoundly biblical. The ability to immediately employ each principle in a time of personal prayer is life changing! We provide a printed retreat journal and a pen for you. The journal includes notes that go with the video teaching and space for your to make notes during the teaching sessions and to journal during the prayer sessions.

The schedule is built around six, 30-minute teaching sessions to provide helpful information and motivation for the 60-minute sessions of private prayer and seeking the Lord that follow each teaching segment.  Each teaching session will equip for a time of prayer and seeking the Lord.

24-Hour Format

The schedule is designed to start on your first afternoon (3:00 is suggested) with some basic instructions and your first video teaching session, followed by your first time of prayer.  Session two teaching should end by 5:00 p.m. allowing you to end your day in prayer and spend the evening resting and relaxing. Unless you are fasting, which we recommend doing, you’ll need to bring your own food. The cabin is equipped with a mini-fridge and small microwave. You may also wish to grill or cook over a campfire, which we can easily accommodate near the cabin, by the creekside, or some other location on campus.

The next morning we recommend getting up to start by 7:00 . The first session of the day includes a brief welcome and video teaching, session three. This will allow you to wrap up by 3:00 p.m. after which you can pack up and head home or if you have reserved the cabin for a second night spend another evening relaxing.

Who should do it?

This time is designed for professing, evangelical Christians who are seeking a deeper walk with their Lord. It is ideal for single people, married couples, and even entire families. For those in ministry, church leadership, pastoring, etc., this time is perfect for you to get away from the demands of serving the Lord just to seek Him.  Maybe you need to refocus in ministry, consider a new sermon series, develop a stronger worship format, evaluate God’s call on your life, or just generally breathe new life into your walk with God.

What does it cost?

You can book the cabin through Air BnB. Those serving in ministry and those requiring scholarship should contact us for information on available discounts and other options that may be available. In either case fill out the form on this page so we can prepare materials for you.