The History and Vision of Pilgrimage Christian Center

Phil & Melissa Pinto

We've been developing the ministry of Pilgrimage for over 25 years! Our initial plan was to build a family camp, but we have seen that plan change and grow over the years. We have a strong desire to provide Christ-centered education to all people in many different fields of study. We're thankful for the numerous experiences we've had to develop our abilities, and look forward to continue helping others in our community and around the country develop their abilities.

About Pilgrimage 
Christian Center

Envisioned in 1968 and established in 1979, Pilgrimage was designed to be counter-cultural, standing against a growing flood of ungodly influences in Christian families, especially in the education (and indoctrination) of their children.  At a time when homeschooling was illegal in many places, Pilgrimage came alongside families in establishing their own home schools and aided existing Christian schools.  This was in the name of instilling Christian concepts in the hearts and minds of children.  Since then, Pilgrimage, operating as Cedar Springs Camp, has provided mentoring and teaching to children, youth, young adults, couples, and entire families.  

Much like the Pilgrims who made a pilgrimage to America in 1620 for the sake of their families’ faith, Pilgrimage was founded to strengthen the faith of the Christian family.  Today, the mission remains unchanged – to instill concepts of Christian living and reinforce it in the family.


Our vision is to provide programs and opportunities that equip Christian young adults to (1) be leaders in their families, churches, and communities; and (2) to be productive Christians with a strong work ethic and ability to succeed in business and/or employment while maintaining a witness for Christ

Our program strives to instill leadership patterns and develop habits in the lives of Christian young adults so they can be spiritually healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Getting Involved

What is the Program?

Benjamin Franklin, writing in Poor Richard’s Almanac, said “early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”  This famous axiom holds merit for the Christian.  Our program strives to instill patterns and develop habits in the lives of Christian young adults so that they can be spiritually “healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

Church Involvement

Students will be given opportunity to become involved in a local church.  Attendance will be the minimum involvement expected.  To the extent feasible and allowed by the local church, the aim is for students to participate at a deeper level by serving in some way in a local church by the end of the year.  This serves to encourage and equip students for involvement and active participation as part of a local church when they complete the program.

Job Training

With a variety of business partners, we offer training in a variety of trades.  Many of these hold the possibility of a local job either temporarily or long term.  Some certifications may even be possible depending on the trade.

One of the major goals of this program is to help students develop a well-rounded resume.  Recognizing that resumes are not one-size-fits all, attention is given to helping students learn how to complete resumes specific to the position or ministry to which they apply.

Residential Program

We have limited capacity for a residential program. If students are interested in applying for this program, please fill out the contact form on the Contact page.

Leadership Training

We believe that leaders are first and foremost to be servants.  Each student is given opportunity to lead various activities, projects, and ministries.  This is done through church and community involvement as well as programs offered on campus to the community.