Pilgrimage CC Website Launch.png

Pilgrimage Christian Center

Due to a tornado that ripped through the property on Sunday morning, May 26, 2024, we will not be able to offer any programs at this time. Cleanup is underway, but the damage extensive. Thankfully, it missed our buildings. It only sucked things out from behind them, missing them by a few hundred feet! Contact us if you would like to volunteer in the cleanup efforts.

A Bible/vocational training center providing biblical teaching and training for people of all ages.


We are a training center for people who feel called into full-time missionary service for the Lord. Our courses are designed to train students to be strong leaders, and productive Christians with a strong work ethic.


We look for ways to serve the community by completing projects such as park renovations, outdoor cleanup projects, and minor home repair for cities, churches, and individuals who are unable to pay for such services.


With a variety of business partners, we offer training in a variety of trades. Many of these hold the possibility of a local job either temporarily or long term. Some certifications may even be possible depending on the training.

Join our community.